“Mauritius does not disappoint when it comes to sunsets. While living here I have seen some truly breath taking sunsets but I also have to confess I do take them for granted sometimes.
Here I will guide you through the best sunset spots, bars for sun downers and sunset activities to do all year round.
If you don't find what you are looking for you can always contact me by clicking on one of the inquiry form buttons throughout this site".

Mauritus has only two season, summer (November - April) and winter (May-October). In the summer months the sun sets around the 19:00PM and rises at 05:00AM and in the winter sets at 18:00PM and rises at 06:00AM.
However these are only accurate timings as the sun is setting a different time each month and even each day. For a more accurate on the day timing I suggest a simple google search, this is normally very accurate and to plan ahead of time I suggest timeanddate.com (I will link the Mauritius page below.
As for where, the sun notoriously rises in the east and set in the west, unsurprisingly this is the same on the island! However having said this you can experience the beautiful colours of the sky from almost anywhere on or just off the island.

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To get front row seat to the sunset you have to get to a west facing beach. My favourites would be:
Many of these overlap with my top 10 favourite beaches in Mauritus, be sure to check those out on the link below for more info.
As these places fall under my Top 10 Beaches, sadly they are quite popular and are very crowded on weekends as the large local families all meet at the beach and camp out there till the sunset. However on weekdays they are much quieter and peaceful, this is when I advise you to go, unless you are keen to kick around a football with the locals and listen to local creole singers and drummers!
The other amazing sunset spot at the top of the mountains, I have never done this as I would be worried about getting down in the dark! Some of the best mountains hikes I have done during the day are on the Top 10 Hikes page linked below, have a look!


There are a few top secret and not so top secret places to go for sunset cocktails in Mauritius, I have ranked my favourite with number one being the best:
The Bay Hotel - Tamarin (The Bay Hotel is in my top 10 places to eat to be sure to check that out!)
Sky Bar at Mystik Life Style Hotel - Mon Choisy
The Cloud Rooftop Bar - Perybere
The Beach House - Grande Baie (The Beach House is in my top 10 places to eat, be sure to check that out!)
La Plage The Beach Club - Trou Aux Biches
Eden Beach - Grande Baie
Veranda HotelRooftop Bar - Tamarin
I have been to all of these bars/hotels/restaurants and they have the perfect cocktails to match a beautiful sunset view.

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For the top 10 activities in Mauritius I will guide you to a separate page where I go into more detail about some the brilliant experience I have had on the island. Some of these activities are available at the hours of sunset, this add a more romantic, peaceful and island style feel to your experience.
Some of the best activities available for you to do at sunset are:
Kayaking and Paddle Boarding
Hiking (at your own risk!)
Sunset Cruise (usually with options for cocktails and dinner)
Candle Lit Beach Dinner

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