I've just arrived at the Oberoi Beach Resort Mauritius for a birthday celebration and will take the opportunity to provide you with a review of the hotel, it's food and service.

As first impressions go I could not be happier.
I've wanted to stay at the Oberoi Beach Resort Mauritius for some time now and when the opportunity arrived I was first to say yes.
We were escorted to our room by a lovely young lady called Geft, who had an incredible smile which immediately made us feel at ease. The room is beautifully laid out and we are off to book a massage for tomorrow!

Along the we way to our room we booked the "Gun Powder Restaurant" and at first glance of the menu, we should be if for a treat, but you will see what happens in my separate review.
Whilst writing this blog, I'm truly hoping to add the Oberoi Beach Resort Mauritius to both the Mauritius Life "Top 10 Hotels" and "Top 10 Restaurants".
Will keep you posted.
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